Basingstoke Map and Guide

Basingstoke map, see the Hampshire town of Basingstoke and its environs.

Detailed Street Map of Basingstoke

Basingstoke Map: Here is a Google map of Basingstoke, showing the large town in the north-east of Hampshire in southern England. This Basingstoke map zooms and pans, for a detailed street map of Basingstoke, a Basingstoke town centre map, or a map of any of the neighbouring villages.

Also on this Basingstoke map are Chineham, Old Basing, Lychpit, Mapledurwell, Sherborne St John, Worting, Wootton St Lawrence, Bramley Green, Kempshott and Cliddesden, also shown is Basingstoke Common and Weybrook Park.

Basingstoke is located at the source of the River Loddon in north-east Hampshire, a nearby Iron Age hillfort at nearby Winklebury gives evidence of the early settlement of the area. Named as Basingestoches in the Domesday Book (1086), when it was already a significant market town, Basingstoke now has a population of around 83,000.

While in Basingstoke visit the Milestones Museum in Worting Road, the Willis Museum in Market Place, the Basing House Ruins in Redbridge Lane, and the Vyne in Vyne Road.

Basingstoke is reached via the M3, the A33, the A30, the A339, and the A340, it is 18 miles from Reading, 32 miles from Southampton, and 51 miles from the centre of London.

More Hampshire Places: Andover - Portsmouth - Southsea

Hampshire Links: Hampshire Map - Hampshire Weather