Bracknell Map

Bracknell map, showing the location of the large Berkshire town of Bracknell and nearby villages.

Detailed Street Map of Bracknell Berkshire

Bracknell Map: Detailed street map of Bracknell, a town near to Wokingham and Ascot in the county of Berkshire, England.

Located in the Bracknell Forest borough, the town of Bracknell has a population of around 50,000 and a history going back to the times of the Anglo Saxons. The name of the town comes from the old Saxon Braccen-Heale ("hiding place covered in bracken"), it was probably settled even before this as there is an Iron Age hillfort nearby.

Also on this Bracknell map are Binfield, Winkfield Row, Chavey Down, Warfield Park, Easthampstead Park, Lily Hill Park, Swinley Park, South Hill Park and the Berkshire Golf Club, by zooming in you can see a Bracknell town centre map and see the main roads of Bracknell ie Millennium Way, Bagshot Road, London Road, Warfield Road, Skimped Hill Lane, Mill Lane and the Wokingham Road. You will also see Bracknell Railway Station, Bracknell and Wokingham College, Lily Hill Park, and Bill Hill.

Bracknell can be accessed from the A329 and the A322 it is about 7 miles from Wokingham and is 33 miles west of London.

Bracknell Info: Bracknell Weather

Berkshire Info: Berkshire Map - Berkshire Weather

Berkshire Places: Maidenhead - Cookham - Slough - Eton

Local Weather: Slough Weather