Brixham Map

Brixham map, view the location of the Devon town of Brixham, near to Paignton and Torquay.

Detailed Street Map of Brixham Devon

Brixham Map: Interactive map of Brixham, displaying the coastal the town situated close to Paignton and Torquay, on the south coast of Devon in south-west England.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Brixham or pan to view other areas, by zooming right in you can get a Brixham town centre map, and see the Brixham Hospital and the Golden Hind Museum Ship.

Also on this Brixham map are Churston Ferrers, Lupton, Southdown and Broadsands, you can also see the Churston Golf Club.

A small town and fishing port at the southern end of Torbay, Brixham has a population of around 17,000 and is a popular tourist destination. The site of a Saxon settlement, Brixham was listed as Briseham in the Domesday Book (1086).

While in Brixham visit the Brixham Heritage Museum in New Road, the Golden Hind Museum Ship on The Quay, Berry Head, and the Greenway (National Trust), the former holiday home of author Agatha Christie, in Galmpton.

Brixham can be reached via the A379 and A3022, it is 8.5 miles from Torquay, 29 miles from Exeter, 34 miles from Plymouth, and 201 miles driving distance from London.

Brixham Links: Brixham Weather

More Devon Information: MAP - WEATHER

Related Links: Dartmouth Map - Plymouth Map - Exeter Map - Paignton Map