St Lucia Weather

Check out today's St Lucia weather and get a 10 day forecast.

Current and Forecast Weather in St Lucia

St Lucia Weather: Above you can check out the latest weather in St Lucia and get a 10 day weather forecast for the St Lucia area in the Windward Islands, Caribbean Sea. Shown is today's weather and the weather for the next 3 days, to get a 5 day St Lucia weather forecast, follow the 'more detailed weather' link. This St Lucia weather is provided by, and uses the closest weather station. You can also get an hour by hour forecast for the next 24 hours in St Lucia.

Other information provided on the St Lucia 10 day weather forecast includes wind speeds in the St Lucia area, humidity and an hour by hour, 24 hour St Lucia weather forecast, handy on the day you are visiting St Lucia, or the Windward Islands.

This St Lucia weather will be relevant for the towns and resorts of Castries, Peacock Island, Cap Estate, Mahout, Canaries, Belle Vue, Anse La Raye, La Riche, Vieux Fort, Sapphire, Gros Islet, Rouame, Smugglers Cove and Soufriere.

While you are in St Lucia, why not try the Treetop Canopy Adventure, a fantastic experience.

St Lucia Weather Forecast - BBC - Met Office - 3 Day - 5 Day - Current Weather in St Lucia