Clacton Map

Clacton map, view the Essex seaside resort of Clacton on Sea and its surrounding towns and villages.

Detailed Street Map of Clacton on Sea Essex

Clacton Map: Interactive map of Clacton, showing the seaside resort situated in Essex in eastern England, UK.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Clacton on Sea & get Clacton town centre map, showing Clacton Railway Station, Clacton Pier and Clacton Airport.

Also on this Clacton map are Weeley Heath, Little Clacton, Jaywick, Holland on Sea, Great Holland, Frinton and Walton, Kirby Cross and Frinton on Sea, also shown are the Clacton Golf Club and the Frinton Golf Club.

A popular seaside resort on the Essex coastline, Clacton on Sea began life as a resort in the late 19th century, reaching its peak during the 1960's. Now a desirable area for retirement Clacton still has its famous pier, and still attracts those seeking a typical English holiday. There are plenty of hotels and guest houses for your stay in the town, also a good choice of self-catering accommodation (cottages and flats), if you want to do your own thing.

Clacton on Sea can be accessed via the A133 or the B1027, it also has rail links with London Liverpool Street, it is about 16 miles south-east of Colchester.

More Clacton Info: Clacton Weather

Essex Pages: Essex Map - Essex Weather

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