Clevedon Map

Clevedon map, view the Somerset town of Clevedon, located west of Bristol and north-east of Weston-Super-Mare.

Detailed Street Map of Clevedon Somerset & Guide to the Town

Clevedon Map Somerset: Interactive map of Clevedon, displaying the town in the shire county of Somerset, England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Clevedon & a Clevedon town centre map, showing the Church of St Andrew on Coleridge Road and the Clevedon Hospital in Old Street.

Also on this Clevedon map are Walton in Gordano and the Clevedon Golf Club, zoom out for Redcliff Bay, Walton Bay, Tickenham and Kingston Bridge.

To the north of Weston Super Mare in Somerset lies the coastal town of Clevedon, with its population of around 22,000. Another of Somerset's seaside resorts, Clevdon is perhaps not so well known as Weston Super Mare and Burnham on Sea. Clevedon however has one of the oldest surviving Victorian piers in Britain.

While in Clevedon visit Clevedon Court (National Trust) in Tickenham Road, the Toll House, Clevedon Pier, Poet's Walk, Cadbury Hill, and the Weston Lodge Shooting Ground.

Clevedon can be accessed via the M5 motorway, it is 11 miles from Weston-Super-Mare, 25 miles from Bristol, and 132 miles from London.

Related Links: Weston Super Mare Map - Burnham on Sea Map