Honiton Map

Honiton map, view the Devon town of Honiton, located to the north of Sidmouth and Seaton, and east of Exeter.

Detailed Street Map of Honiton Devon & Guide to the Town

Honiton Map Devon: Interactive map of Honiton, showing the town situated to the north of Seaton and Sidmouth in the large county of Devon in south-west England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Honiton, Devon, or get a Honiton town centre map, on which you can see Honiton Hospital, the Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton Library and Honiton Railway Station, which links the town to London and Exeter.

Also on this Honiton map are Awliscombe, Combe Raleigh and Springfield, also shown is the Honiton Golf Club in Middlehills. The Honiton Golf Club was founded in 1896, the course is an 18-hole par 69 course, with a playing length of 5,910 yards.

Situated beside the River Otter in East Devon the town of Honiton has a population of around 11,000 and is renowned for its lace making which has been carried out in the town since introduced by Flemish immigrants during Elizabethan times.

Honiton in Devon is about 6.5 miles from Ottery St Mary, 9.5 miles from Sidmouth, 23 miles from Exeter, and 157 miles from London, Honiton can be accessed via the A30 and A35. Honiton can also be reached by train, it links with Exeter and London Waterloo on the West of England Line.

Devon Info: Devon Map - Devon Weather

Related Links: Seaton Map - Exmouth Map - Torquay Map