Newlyn Map

Newlyn map, view the Cornwall town of Newlyn, located close to the town of Penzance.

Detailed Street Map of Newlyn Cornwall & Guide to the Town

Newlyn Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Newlyn, showing the town situated close to Penzance in Cornwall, south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Newlyn or get a Newlyn town centre map.

Also on this Newlyn map are Green Rocks and Paul, by zooming out you will see Penzance, Mousehole, Buryas Bridge, Castle Horneck and Tregavarah.

A small town to the south of Penzance, Newlyn has a history going back to the 13th century when it was called Nulyn ("pool for a fleet of boats"). Newlyn is, as it has been for centuries, an important fishing harbour, and also a popular holiday destination.

While in Newlyn visit the Newlyn Art Gallery in New Road, the Penlee House Gallery and Museum in Penzance, Northwood Farm Water Gardens, and Trengwainton Garden.

Newlyn can be reached via the B3315 (A30), it is 1 mile from Penzance, 29 miles from Truro and 45 miles from St Austell.

Cornwall Info: MAP - WEATHER

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