North Walsham Map

North Walsham map, showing the town of North Walsham, located to the south of Cromer in Norfolk.

Detailed Street Map of North Walsham Norfolk & Town Guide

North Walsham Map: Detailed street map of North Walsham a town and civil parish to the south of Cromer in Norfolk. A historic settlement dating back to Anglo Saxon times, North Walsham now has a population of around 18,000.

Shown on this North Walsham map are the St Nicholas Church, Paston College, and the main roads of the town including A149 and B1145, Norwich Road, Greens Road, Crow Road, Yarmouth Road, Folgate Road, Anchor Road, and Skeyton Road.

Zoom in for a North Walsham town centre map on which you will see the Norfolk Motorcycle Museum, the Kensington Pottery, and the North Walsham Railway Station.

North Walsham has a reasonable selection of hotels, cottages, guest houses B&B (bed and breakfast) establishments, and holiday rental accommodation.

Nearby places to North Walsham include Antingham, Bradfield, Swafield, Felmingham, Westwick and Bengate.

North Walsham is to the south of Cromer and Sheringham and can be easily accessed from the A149. North Walsham is 9.5 miles from Cromer, and 15 miles from Norwich.

More Norfolk Info: Norfolk Weather - Norfolk Map

More Norfolk Maps: Norwich - Great Yarmouth - Acle - Fakenham - Hunstanton - King's Lynn - Wells Next the Sea - Cromer - Sheringham - Norfolk Broads Map

Area Weather: Cromer - Great Yarmouth - Norwich