Porthleven Cornwall Map and Guide

Porthleven map, view the Cornwall fishing town of Porthleven, located near to Helston.

Detailed Street Map of Porthleven Cornwall

Porthleven Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Porthleven, showing the location of the town and fishing port situated close to Helston in Cornwall.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Porthleven or a Porthleven town centre map.

Also visible on this Porthleven map are Breage, Newham, Penrose, The Loe and Carminowe Creek, by zooming out you can also see the town of Helston to the north-east.

Porthleven is a small town and fishing port located near to Helston in Cornwall, it has a population of around 3,000 and is a renowned surfing spot. Historically Porthleven was a diificult port to navigate and was a notorious black spot for ship wrecks.

Porthleven has a small shingle beach.

While in Porthleven visit the Penrose Estate, Gunwalloe Cove and the Helston Folk Museum.

Porthleven can be accessed via the B3304 (A394), it is 4 miles from Helston and 19 miles from Truro.

Cornwall Info: MAP - WEATHER

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