Sidmouth Map

Sidmouth map, view the Devon coastal town of Sidmouth, located west of Seaton.

Detailed Street Map of Sidmouth Devon

Sidmouth Map Devon: Interactive map of Sidmouth, showing the seaside town situated west of Seaton in the county of Devon, south-west England.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Sidmouth and a Sidmouth town centre map, showing the Sidmouth Museum, the Victoria Hospital, and the East Devon District Council Offices.

Also on this Sidmouth map are Bowd, Stowford, Pinn, Bulverton, Sidford and Salcombe Regis, also shown is the Sidmouth Golf Club.

Lying at the mouth of the River Sid in Devon, the town and seaside resort of Sidmouth has a population of around 15,000 and is a renowned holiday destination and retirement area. An ancient settlement, Sidmouth was listed as Sedemuda in the Domesday Book (1086).

To get more information on places of interest in Sidmouth visit the Sidmouth Information Centre in Ham Lane.

Sidmouth Golf Club and golf course is located just outside the town on the Cotmaton Road.

Sidmouth is 10 miles west of Seaton and can be accessed by road via the B3175 and B3176 (A3052).

Related Links: Budleigh Salterton Map - Exmouth Map