St Agnes Map

St Agnes map, view the Cornwall village of St Agnes, located south-west of Perranporth.

Detailed Street Map of St Agnes Cornwall

St Agnes Map Cornwall: Interactive map of St Agnes, showing the village situated to the south-west of Perranporth on the north coast of Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of St Agnes or a St Agnes town centre map, where you can see the St Agnes Museum on the Penwinnick Road (B3277).

Also on this St Agnes map are Crosscombe, West Polberro, Buckshead, Goonbell and Trevellas, by zooming out you can see Perranporth to the north-east.

St Agnes is a small village with a population of around 2,000, it is situated on the north coast of Cornwall close to the resort of Perranporth. While now popular with tourists, artists and walkers, St Agnes survived for many centuries through fishing, tin mining and farming.

While in St Agnes Cornwall visit Chapel Porth, Perranporth Beach, Perranzabuloe Museum, the Cornish Cyder Farm, Trevaunance Cove and Miniatura Park.

St Agnes is 4 miles from Perranporth and 9 miles from Truro, it can be accessed by road via the B3277 and the B3285.

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

Related Links: Perranporth Map - Porthtowan Map - Truro Map - Newquay Map