Tiverton Map

Tiverton map, view the Devon town of Tiverton, located north of Exeter and south of the Exmoor National Park.

Detailed Street Map of Tiverton Devon & Guide to the Town

Tiverton Map Devon: Interactive map of Tiverton, displaying the town situated to the north of Exeter in Mid Devon in south-west England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Tiverton and get a Tiverton town centre map, showing the Tiverton and District Hospital, the College of Natural Nutrition, the Tiverton Masonic Hall and the Tiverton Business Park.

Also on this Tiverton map are Washfield, Bolham, Warnicombe and Howden, the River Exe can be seen running through the town.

Standing at the confluence of the River Exe and River Lowman, the Devon town of Tiverton has a population of around 20,000, it has been the site of settlements since the Stone Age. Tiverton grew in prosperity due the the wool trade during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Tiverton Attractions: In and around Tiverton Devon you can visit Tiverton Castle, the Tiverton Museum, the Devon Railway Centre, Knightshayes Court and Holbrook Garden.

Tiverton is 15 miles from Exeter and can be accessed by road via the A361 and A396.

Tiverton Map Links: Crediton Map - Newton Abbot Map - Honiton Map - Exmouth Map

More Devon Info: Devon Map - Devon Weather