Warminster Weather

See today's Warminster weather, and get a forecast for the Wiltshire town.

Current and Forecast Weather in Warminster Wiltshire

Warminster Weather: Featured on this page is the latest weather in Warminster, a town of 17,000 people, located in the county of Wiltshire, in south-western England.

Warminster dates from Saxon times and was important in the production of wool and cloth, it had a bell foundry in the 17th century, and its Corn Market was second in importance only to Bristol.

This Warminster weather is provided by weather.com. Use this Warminster weather for your visit to the Wiltshire town. Get a 10 day Warminster weather forecast.

In Warminster visit the Bison Centre (West Knoyle), the Minster Church of St Denys, Christ Church, Warminster Park, Longleat Safari Park.

This Warminster weather also applies for Frome, Longleat, Westbury, and Corsley Heath.

More Wiltshire Info: Wiltshire Weather