Watton at Stone Map

Watton at Stone map, view the Hertfordshire village of Watton at Stone, south-east of Stevenage.

Detailed Street Map of Watton at Stone Herts

Watton at Stone Map Hertfordshire: Interactive map of Watton at Stone, displaying the village located to the south-east of Stevenage in Hertfordshire.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Watton at Stone and see a village centre map of Watton at Stone, displaying Watton at Stone Railway Station, Watton at Stone Post Office, and Watton at Stone Primary and Nursery School.

Also on this Watton at Stone map are Whempstead, Stapleford, Datchworth, Sacombe, Bull's Green, Tonwell, Bragbury End, Burnham Green, Dane End and Knebworth.

Watton at Stone is a small village with a population of around 2,000, it is located between Stevenage and Hertford in the county of Hertfordshire. The village originated as the Saxon settlement of Wattun and was recorded in the Domesday Book (1086) as Watone. The village still has dwellings dating back to Tudor times.

Watton at Stone stands beside the River Beane.

Reach Watton at Stone by road via the A602, it is 5.5 miles from Stevenage.

Nearby Places: Knebworth Map - Hertford Map - Ware Map