Weston Turville Buckinghamshire Map

Weston Turville map, view the Buckinghamshire village of Weston Turville close to Aylesbury.

Interactive Road Map of Weston Turville

Weston Turville Map Bucks: Interactive map of Weston Turville, displaying the village situated close to Aylesbury and Aston Clinton in the county of Buckinghamshire.

Use controls to display a detailed road map of Weston Turville and get a Weston Turville village centre map, showing the St Mary the Virgin C of E Church, Weston Turville Reservoir and Weston Turville Golf Club.

Also on this Weston Turville map are Halton Village, Weston Turville Reservoir and parts of Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville and Aston Clinton.

A small village to the south-east of Aylesbury, Weston Turville, has 3 pubs (Chandos Arms, Chequers and Five Bells Hotel) and a population of just under 3,000.

While in Weston Turville visit the Bucks Goat Centre (just outside Stoke Mandeville), the Aces High Aviation Gallery in Halton, and the Oak Farm Rare Breeds Park in Bierton.

Weston Turville can be accessed via the B4544, which connects the A41 and the A413, the village is around 2 miles from Aston Clinton, 2.5 miles from Wendover, 4 miles from Aylesbury, and a driving distance of 45 miles from central London.

Buckinghamshire Info: MAP - WEATHER

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