Whitstable Map

Whitstable map, showing the Kent coastal town of Whitstable, to the north of the city of Canterbury.

Detailed Street Map of Whitstable Kent & Guide to the Town

Whitstable Map Kent: Interactive Google map of Whitstable, showing the town, north of Canterbury on the north coast of Kent in south-east England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Whitstable, Kent, and town centre map of Whitstable, showing Whitstable Castle, Whitstable Museum and Whitstable Railway Station.

Also on this Whitstable map are Seasalter, Chestfield, Yorkletts and the Chestfield Golf Club, also visible are the main streets of Whitstable including the A299, Thanet Way, Tankerton Road, Herne Bay Road, Borstal Hill and Clapham Hill.

Located about 5 miles north of Canterbury, Whitstable is a seaside town especially famous for its oysters, for which it has been renowned since the times of the Roman occupation of Britain. Whitstable has a population of around 30,000.

Whilein Whitstable visit the Whitstable Museum in Oxford Street, Druidstone Park, Herne Windmill, Mount Ephraim Gardens and of course the many attractions of Canterbury. Beaches near Whitstable include Whitstable West Beach, Tankerton Beach, and Herne Bay Beach.

Whitstable can be accessed from the A299, it is about 5 miles from Canterbury, 2 miles from Herne Bay and about 58 miles from central London.

Whitstable Info: Whitstable Weather

Kent Info: MAP

Kent Places: Canterbury - Margate

Kent Golf: Canterbury Golf

Kent Weather: Canterbury Weather