Billericay Map

Billericay map, view the small Essex commuter town of Billericay and its neighbouring towns & villages.

Detailed Street Map of Billericay Essex

Billericay Map: Interactive map of Billericay, showing the town in Essex in eastern England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Billericay and get a Billericay town centre map, showing Billericay Railway Station, the St John's School, Lake Meadows, and Norsey Wood.

Also featured on this Billericay map are the nearby areas of South Green, Norsey Wood and the Stock Brook Manor Golf Club, zoom out to see Ingatestone, Heybridge, Hutton, Stock, Ramsden Heath, Ramsden Bellhouse, Crays Hill, Great Burstead and Little Burstead.

A semi-rural town in the county of Essex, Billericay has a population of around 40,000 and is a popular commuter town. Evidence of Iron Age and Bronze Age burial mounds found in Norsey Wood, attest to the long history of the town, despite this, the town was not listed in the Domesday Book (1086).

While in Billericay, visit the Cater Museum in the High Street, the Barleylands Craft Village and Farm Centre on the Barleylands Road, Lake Meadows, and the Thorndon Country Pary in nearby Brentwood.

Billericay can be accessed from the A129 and A176, it is 5.5 miles from Basildon, 6 miles from Brentwood, 11 miles from Chelmsford and 38 miles from London.

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