Bradford Map

Bradford map, view the Yorkshire town of Bradford and its surrounding areas.

Detailed Street Map of Bradford Yorkshire

Bradford Map: Interactive map of Bradford, showing the city in the county of Yorkshire in northern England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Bradford or get a Bradford city centre map showing the two railway stations, Bradford University, the National Media Museum, Bradford College, St Luke's Hospital, Bradford Cathedral, the Bradford and Bingley Stadium, Horton Park, Pollard Park and the Undercliffe Cemetary.

Also on this Bradford map are Manningham, Listerhills, Fagley, and Cutler Heights, you can also see Horton Park, Peel Park, Bowling Park and the University of Bradford.

Located in the foothills of the Pennines, Bradford is a city situated to the west of Leeds in Yorkshire, England, it has a population of around 500,000 and is home to the University of Bradford.

It appeared in the Domesday Book (1086) as Bradeford, and pre-dates the Norman conquest. Bradford mostly grew around the wool industry during the Industrial Revolution, though it had been renowned for textiles since the 13th century.

Bradford can be accessed via the M606 (M62), and the A650, it is about 15 miles from Leeds, 44 miles from York, 49 miles from Sheffield, and 204 miles driving distance from London.

More Bradford Information: Bradford Weather

Yorkshire Information: Yorkshire Map

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