Mexborough Map

Mexborough map, showing the South Yorkshire town of Mexborough situated on the River Don.

Detailed Street Map of Mexborough South Yorkshire & Town Guide

Mexborough Map Yorkshire: Detailed street map of Mexborough, a town on the River Don in South Yorkshire. The map is interactive, so you can zoom in and get a Mexborough town centre map, and find any location in the town that you need to view.

Mexborough is a small South Yorkshire town, which stands on the north bank of the River Don, it is within the borough of Doncaster and has a population of about 15,000. Settled long before the Norman invasion of Britain, Mexborough was listed in the Domesday Book, 1086 as Mechesburg.

Mexborough can be accessed via the A630 (A6023), it is about 10 miles from Barnsley, 19 miles from Sheffield, 34 miles from Leeds and 168 miles driving distance from London.

Yorkshire Information: Yorkshire Map

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