Braybrooke Map and Guide

Braybrooke map, view the Northamptonshire village of Braybrooke, near Desborough.

Detailed Street Map of Braybrooke Northants

Braybrooke Map: Interactive, google map of Braybrooke, a village in Northamptonshire, East Midlands, England.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Braybrooke or pan around to view adjacent Northamptonshire areas, by zooming right in you can get a Braybrooke village centre map.

Zoom out two or three steps on this Braybrooke map and you can see the Northamptonshire and Leicestershire areas of Little Bowden, Market Harborough, Arthingworth, Great Oxenden, Dingley, Desborough, Brampton Ash, Thorpe Underwood and Kettering.

A small village close to Northamptonshire's border with Leicestershire, Braybrooke is near to the town of Market Harborough, it has a population of about 300, and a 14th century church with an elongated spire, the former Braybrooke Castle is now little more than an earthworks.

From Braybrooke visit Rockingham Castle, Welland Park, the Foxton Canal Museum and the East Carlton Countryside Park.

Braybrooke can be accessed by way of the A6, it is about 3 miles from Market Harborough, 21 miles from Northampton, and a driving distance of 89 miles from London.

Northamptonshire Info: MAP

Northamptonshire Towns: Northampton - Wellingborough - Daventry - Corby - Rushden - Towcester