Desborough Map

Desborough map, view the Northamptonshire town of Desborough, located near to Kettering.

Detailed Street Map of Desborough Northants

Desborough Map: Interactive, google map of Desborough, displaying the town situated near to Corby and Kettering in Northamptonshire, East Midlands, England.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Desborough & a Desborough town centre map.

Zoom out two or three steps on this Desborough map and you can see the Northamptonshire and Leicestershire areas of Rothwell, Pipewell, Braybrooke, Market Harborough, Rushden, Thorpe Underwood, Kettering, Glendon, Loddington, Glendon Hall and Corby.

A small town with a population of around 8,000, Desborough developed due to the weaving and spinning industries, it was originally and Anglo-Saxon (and possibly even Celtic) settlement, and was recorded in the Domesday Book. The 13th century church of Saint Giles was possibly constructed on the site of an earlier Anglo-Saxon one.

When in Desborough visit Stoke Wood End Quarter, the West Lodge Farm Park, Rushton Triangular Lodge, Rothwell Gullet, the Rothwell Heritage Museum and Arts Centre, Barford Wood Meadows, the Eleanor Cross Geddington, and Boughton House.

Desborough can be accessed by way of the A6, the A14 and the B576, it is about 6.5 miles from Kettering, 19 miles from Northampton, and a driving distance of 87 miles from London.

Northamptonshire Info: MAP

Northamptonshire Towns: Northampton - Wellingborough - Daventry - Rushden - Towcester