Camberley Map

Camberley map, view the Surrey town of Camberley, located north-west of Woking and Guildford.

Detailed Street Map of Camberley Surrey & Town Guide

Camberley Map Surrey: Interactive map of Camberley, showing the town situated in the county of Surrey in south-eastern England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Camberley and get a Camberley town centre map, showing Canberley Railway Station, the Surrey Heath Museum, Camberley Library, and the Surrey Heath Borough Council Offices.

Also on this Camberley map are Crowthorne, Sandhurst, Blackwater, Frimley, Hawley, Bagshot, Owlsmoor, Frogmore, West Heath, Cove, Farnborough, Frimley Green and Lightwater, also shown is the Pine Ridge Golf Centre.

A medium sized town in the county of Surrey, Camberley has a population of just over 30,000 and is located near to the borders of both Berkshire and Hampshire. Camberley grew as a town around the Military College at Sandhurst during the 19th century.

When in Camberley, Surrey, visit the Surrey Heath Museum, the Royal Logistic Corps Museum, Frimley Lodge Park, and the Army Medical Services Museum in Aldershot.

Camberley can be reached via the A30, the M3 and the A331, it is 3 miles from Bagshot, 19 miles from Guildford, and 39 miles from London.

Surrey Info: MAP - WEATHER

Surrey Places: Dorking - Epsom - Leatherhead - Woking