Leatherhead Map

Leatherhead map, view the Surrey town of Leatherhead, situated to the north-east of Guildford.

Detailed Street Map of Leatherhead Surrey

Leatherhead Map Surrey: Interactive map of Leatherhead, showing the town situated north-east of Guildford in the county of Surrey in south-eastern England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Leatherhead or move around to view other surrounding areas. Also viewable on this Leatherhead map are Ashtead, Fetcham, Leatherhead Common and the Tyrells Wood Golf Club.

By zooming out or dragging the map with your mouse button you can also view Oxshott, Epsom, Epsom Downs, Langley Vale, Great Bookham, Headley, Mickleham, and Westhumble.

Dating from Anglo-Saxon times Leatherhead was called Leret in the Domesday Book (1086), in the Middle Ages is grew up as a market town having been granted a weekly market and fair by Henry III. Leatherhead grew mostly with the arrival of the railway in the 19th century.

While in Leatherhead visit Bockett's Farm Park, the Leatherhead Museum, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Painshill Park and Headley Heath.

Leatherhead can be reached from the M25, A24 and A243.

Leatherhead Info: Leatherhead Guide

Surrey Info: MAP - WEATHER

Surrey Places: Dorking - Epsom - Guildford - Camberley - Woking - Reigate