Felixstowe Map

Felixstowe map, view the Suffolk town of Felixstowe, situated to the south-east of Ipswich.

Detailed Street Map of Felixstowe Suffolk & Town Guide

Felixstowe Map: Interactive map of Felixstowe, showing the town situated tothe south-east of Ipswich in Suffolk in East Anglia, eastern England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Felixstowe and to see a Felixstowe town centre map, featuring the Felixstowe Community Hospital, Felixstowe Railway Station and the Felixstowe Ferry Golf Club.

Also on this Felixstowe map, see Trimley St Mary, Trimley St Martin, Falkenham, Harwich, Stratton Hall and Shotley Gate, to the north of the town is Felixstowe Ferry Golf Club.

Situated on the estuaries of the River Stour and River Orwell, Felixstowe is a seaside town with a port area that is the largest container port in Britain. The town now has a population of around 30,000 and historically has been the site of settlements going back to the times of the Romans and the Anglo-Saxons.

When in Felixstowe visit Languard Fort, the Landguard Point Nature Reserve, Reunion Gallery, the Felixstowe Museum, Trimley Marshes, the Walton Maritime Museum, Orwell Country Park and the Felixstowe Leisure Centre.

Felixstowe can be accessed via the A14 and has rail links with Ipswich, it is 15 miles from Ipswich, 34 miles from Colchester and 94 miles from London.

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