Ipswich Map and Guide

Ipswich map, view the Suffolk county town of Ipswich located north-east of Colchester.

Detailed Street Map of Ipswich

Ipswich Map Suffolk: Interactive map of Ipswich showing the location of the town in the county of Suffolk in East Anglia, eastern England.

Use controls to see a detailed street map of Ipswich or an Ipswich town centre map showing Ipswich Town Football Club, Suffolk New College, University Campus Suffolk, Christchurch Park and Gippeswyk Park.

Also on this Ipswich map are Bramford, Akenham, Whitton, Westerfield, Tuddenham, Rushmere St Andrew, Warren Heath, Belstead, Pinebrook, Wherstead and Sproughton, you can also see the Ipswich Golf Club and the Fynn Valley Golf Club.

The county town of Suffolk, Ipswich has a population of around 130,000 and is situated on the estuary of the River Orwell. One of England's oldest towns, Ipswich attracted the attention of the Romans, but mostly developed during Anglo-Saxon times.

While in Ipswich visit the Ipswich Museum in the High Street, the Ipswich Waterfront Market in Back Hamlet, and the Ipswich Transport Museum in Cobham Road.

Ipswich can be reached via the A12 and the A14, it also has rail links with central London.

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