Hitchin Map

Hitchin map, view the Hertfordshire town of Hitchin, located to the north-west of Stevenage.

Detailed Street Map of Hitchin Hertfordshire

Hitchin Map Hertfordshire: Interactive map of Hitchin, showing the town located north-west of Stevenage and south-west of Letchworth in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

A Hertfordshire town of some 30,000 inhabitants, Hitchin as a settlement, began life in the 7th century, as home of the Hicce people. The huge parish church of Hitchin (St Mary's) originally dated from the 12th century, but most of the current building dates from the 15th century. Hitchin was formerly important for its wool trade.

Use controls on this Hitchin map to view a detailed street map of Hitchin, get a Hitchin town centre map, or move around to see Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire areas.

Also on this Hitchin map are Ickleford, Ashbrook, Oughtonhead Common, and the Letchworth Golf Club, by zooming out you can also see Letchworth, Pirton, Wymondley, Little Wymondley, Holwell, Offley, Graveley and parts of Stevenage.

In Hitchin visit the British Schools Museum in Queen Street, and the Hitchin Museum and Art Gallery in Payne's Park.

Hitchin Town Football Club was founded in 1928 their nickname is "The Canaries".

Hitchin can be reached via the A505 from Luton or the A602 from Stevenage and the A1(M), it is 4 miles from Stevenage, 7 miles from Luton, and London is 32 miles distant.

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