Houghton Regis Map

Houghton Regis map, view the Bedfordshire town of Houghton Regis, located near to Luton and Dunstable.

Detailed Street Map of Houghton Regis Bedfordshire

Houghton Regis Map Bedfordshire: Interactive map of Houghton Regis showing the town situated near to Dunstable and Luton in Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Houghton Regis or a Houghton Regis town centre map, showing Houghton Hall Park.

Also on this Houghton Regis map are Thorn, Bidwell, Chalgrave, Wingfield, Chalton, Tilsworth, Sewell, Totternhoe, Sundon Park, Leagrave, Dunstable, the Woodside Estate and the Townsend Industrial Estate.

A historic town, Houghton Regis was mentioned in the Domesday Book (1086) where it was listed as Houstone. For many centuries just a small village, Houghton Regis was changed in the 1950's and 1960's as a result of the London "overspill", it now has a population of around 17,000.

Houghton Regis in Bedfordshire is just 1.5 miles from Dunstable, 5.5 miles from Luton and 38 miles from London. Houghton Regis can be accessed via the A5 and A5120, it lies close to the M1 motorway. The nearest airport to Houghton Regis is Luton London, which is a 9 mile drive.

Related Links: Houghton Regis Weather - Dunstable Map - Luton Map - Toddington Map