Liskeard Map

Liskeard map, view the Cornwall market town of Liskeard, which is located to the north of Looe.

Detailed Street Map of Liskeard Cornwall & Town Guide

Liskeard Map: Interactive map of Liskeard, showing the historic market town situated north of Looe in the county of Cornwall in south-western England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Liskeard or see a Liskeard town centre map, enabling you to see the Liskeard Community Hospital, the Passmore Edwards Hospital and Liskeard Railway Station.

Also visible on this Liskeard map are Looe Mills, Moorswater, Island Shop, Roseland, Merrymeet, Dobwalls, Menheniot, St Keyne, Pengover, Pengover Green, Horningtops and Trethawle.

Situated at the head of the Looe Valley, the historic market town of Liskeard has a population of just under 10,000, and has been an important centre for agriculture since being awarded its market charter in the 13th century, it was also significant for tin mining during the Industrial Revolution. Liskeard still holds its weekly market on Thursdays.

While in Liskeard visit the Carnglaze Caverns, Stuart House and Moyclare Cornish Garden.

Liskeard is 9 miles from Looe and can be reached via the A38 and A390, London is a drive of some 233 miles.

Cornwall Info: Cornwall Map - Cornwall Weather

Related Links: Bude Map - Boscastle Map - Launceston Map - Looe Map