Bude Map

Bude map, view the location of the Cornwall seaside resort of Bude and its neighbouring towns and villages.

Detailed Street Map of Bude Cornwall

Bude Map: Interactive map of Bude, showing the town situated in Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Bude and get a Bude town centre map.

Also on this Bude map are Lynstone, Lower Upton, Diddies, King's Hill, Poughill, Northcott Mouth, Bush, Ivyleaf Hill, Stamford Hill and Flexbury, also shown is the Bude and North Cornwall Golf Course.

Formerly known as Bude Haven, the Cornish seaside resort of Bude has a population of just under 10,000 and is located in an area of spectacular cliffs and coastline. Bude has 2 excellent sandy beaches and is one of North Cornwall's most popular holiday destinations.

Bude Hotels: Hotels in Bude include the Cliff Hotel in Maer Down Road, the Camelot Hotel in Downs View, the Bude Haven Hotel in Flexbury Avenue, and the Atlantic House Hotel in Summerleaze Crescent.

Bude can be accessed via the A39, it is 52 miles from Truro, 68 miles from Exeter, and 244 miles from London.

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

Cornwall and Devon Maps: Padstow Map - Wadebridge Map - Polzeath Map - Launceston Map - Tintagel Map - Bideford Map - Holsworthy Map