Norfolk Broads Map

Norfolk Broads map, showing the Norfolk Broads area in East Anglia, Eastern England.

Detailed Road Map for the Norfolk Broads

Norfolk Broads Map: Interactive google map of the Norfolk Broads region of East Anglia. The map can be viewed in terrain or satellite modes, giving alternative perspectives of the Norfolk Broads area.

Use controls on this Norfolk Broads map to zoom in and view specific areas and get a detailed road map of your chosen destination in the Broads.

The 3rd largest inland waterway in Britain and also the biggest area of protected wetlands, the Broads (Norfolk and Suffolk Broads) is now a National Park, administered by the Broads Authority it is a popular area for boating holidays, fishing and birdwatching.

Among the areas shown on this Norfolk Broads map are Oulton Broad (in Suffolk), Acle, Reedham, Ormesby St Michael, Salhouse, Wroxham, Coltishall, Horsey, Filby, Horning, Hickling, Staham and Thurne.

Some Norfolk Broads Facts:

The Norfolk Broads covers an area of 303 square kilometres.

The Norfolk Broads takes in sixty three "broads" and six rivers: The River Waveney, the River Ant, the River Bure, the River Chet, the River Yare and the River Thurne.

The Norfolk Broads has about one hundred and twenty five miles of navigable waterways.

The Norfolk Broads attracts about seven million visitors each year.

More Norfolk Info: Norfolk Weather - Norfolk Map

More Norfolk Maps: Norwich - Great Yarmouth - Acle - Fakenham - Hunstanton - King's Lynn - Wells Next the Sea - Cromer - Sheringham - North Walsham

Town Weather: Great Yarmouth - Norwich - Cromer