Sherborne Map

Sherborne map, view the Dorset town of Sherborne, located to the north-west of Blandford Forum.

Detailed Street Map of Sherborne Dorset

Sherborne Map Dorset: Interactive Google map of Sherborne, a small market town situated on the River Yeo, beside Blackmore Vale in the county of Dorset, England.

Use controls, you can get a detailed street map of Sherborne Dorset and a town centre map on which you can see Sherborne Abbey and Sherborne Railway Station.

Also on this Sherborne map are the areas of Higher Clatcombe, Higher Oborne, Dodds Cross, Oborne, Lower Clatcombe, Castleton, Silverlake, North Wootton and Alweston.

Sherborne is a town with a long history and was called Scir Burne in Saxon times and was the capital of Wessex. A significant town before the Norman Conquest, Sherborne was the site of a Saxon Cathedral (Sherborne Abbey) from the 8th century AD. King Ethelbert and King Ethelbert, the elder brothers of King Alfred the Great are both buried there.

Also in Sherborne visit Sherborne Old Castle, and the Sherborne Museum, the Sherborne Tourist Information Centre is in Digby Road.

Sherborne is located on the A30, close to the Dorset/Somerset border and just 6 miles east of Yeovil.

More Dorset Info: Dorset Map - Dorset Weather

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