Swanage Map

Swanage map, view the Dorset town of Swanage, located to the south-west of Bournemouth and south-east of Wareham.

Detailed Street Map of Swanage Dorset & Guide to the Town

Swanage Map Dorset: Interactive mapof Swanage, displaying the town situated south-west of Bournemouth in Dorset, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Swanage and a Swanage town centre map, showing the Swanage Hospital.

By zooming out a couple of steps (double right click) you can view the surrounding areas of Studland, Wool, Langton Matravers, Harman's Cross and Worth Matravers, you can also see the Isle of Purbeck Golf Course and Corfe Castle.

A fishing village and port in Dorset, England, Swanage was formerly important for the quarrying and export of Purbeck stone, these days it is a popular seaside resort which still attracts considerable numbers of visitors.

Swanage can be reached by road via the A351, it is about 25 miles from Dorchester, 26 miles from Bournemouth and a driving distance of 128 miles from London, the closest airport is Bournemouth International, which is a distance of 28 miles.

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