Tintagel Map

Tintagel map, view the Cornish village of Tintagel, to the south-west of Boscastle.

Detailed Street Map of Tintagel Cornwall

Tintagel Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Tintagel, showing the village situated south-west of Boscastle on the Atlantic coast of Cornwall in south-western England, United Kingdom.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Tintagel and a Tintagel town centre map, showing the Tintagel Old Post Office and the St Paul's Catholic Church.

Also on this Tintagel map are Trethevy, Trenale, Trevillick, Treknow, Trewarmett and Trevalga.

A small coastal village with just under 2,000 inhabitants, Tintagel and its castle will be forever linked with the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The ruins of Tintagel Castle stand on Tintagel Island close to the village, visitors flock to the area to soak up the atmosphere created by the legend.

In Tintagel visit Tintagel Castle in its spectacular location, Tintagel Old Post Office (dating from the 14th century), King Arthur's Great Halls, the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, and the sheltered cove at Bossiney Haven.

Tintagel in Cornwall can be accessed by road via the B3263, it is 3 miles from Boscastle and 21 miles from Launceston.

Tintagel Map Links: Port Isaac Map - Bude Map - Boscastle Map - Padstow Map - Camelford Map

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP