Braunton Map and Guide

Braunton map, showing the small Devon town of Braunton, near Barnstaple.

Detailed Street Map of Braunton Devon

Braunton Map: Detailed street map of Braunton, possibly the largest village in Britain, and located to the north-west of Barnstaple in Devon.

Often claimed as Britain's largest village, Braunton has a population of over 7,000 and was originally a Saxon settlement, listed as Brantona in the Domesday Book (1086).

Also shown on this Braunton map are Kittywell, Boode, Heanton Punchardon, Velator and Wrafton, plus the main roads of Braunton including Saunton Road, Exeter Road, Ilfracombe Road, Chaloner's Road, Caen Street, Boode Road and Ash Road.

While in Braunton visit the Exmoor National Park, the Exmoor Zoo in Bratton Fleming, the Braunton and District Museum in Caen Street, and the National Trust Carriage Museum.

Braunton can be reached from the A361 between Ilfracombe and Barnstaple, it is 8 miles from Ilfracombe and 6 miles from Barnstaple.

Devon Info: MAP - WEATHER

Nearby Devon Places: Bideford - Holsworthy - Crediton - Exeter

Local Weather: Ilfracombe Weather - Barnstaple Weather