Holsworthy Map

Holsworthy map, view the Devon town of Holsworthy, located to the east of Bude.

Detailed Street Map of Holsworthy

Holsworthy Map Devon: Interactive map of Holsworthy, a small market town situated to the east of Bude in Devon, United Kingdom.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Holsworthy or a Holsworthy town centre map. By zooming out you will see Chasty, Staddon, Chilsworthy, Pyworthy, Whimble, Hollacombe, Clawton, Common Moor, Burnards House and Holsworthy Hamlets.

Located near to Devon's border with Cornwall, Holsworthy has a population of around 2,200, and has been occupied since Saxon times, later being mentioned in the Domesday Book. Holsworthy has held a market since receiving its first charter in 1154, its parish church of St Peter and St Paul, dates from the 12th century. Holsworthy holds a farmers market on Wednesdays.

Attractions near Holsworthy include the Holsworthy Museum in North Road, and the Gnome Reserve and Wildflower Garden in West Putford.

Holsworthy can be reached via the A388 or the A3072, to the west of the town is the seaside resort of Bude. Holsworthy Devon is around 9 miles from Bude, 49 miles from Exeter, and 225 miles from London.

Holsworthy Map Links: Bideford Map - Barnstaple Map - Plymouth Map - Ilfracombe Map - Clovelly Map