Bideford Map and Guide

Bideford map, view the location of the Devon town of Bideford, situated to the south-west of Barnstaple.

Detailed Street Map of Bideford Devon

Bideford Map: Interactive map of Bideford, displaying the small town and port situated in North Devon in south-west England. Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Bideford or to get a Bideford town centre map, on which you can see Bideford Hospital.

Also on this Bideford map are Westward Ho, Northam, Westleigh, and East-the-Water, the area in pink at the centre of the map is the Bideford and District Hospital.

A small town and port on the River Torridge estuary, Bideford has a population of around 14,000. The 24 arched bridge which spans the River Torridge dates from the 13th century.

While in Bideford visit Hartland Abbey, in Hartland, the North Devon Maritime Museum in Appledore, and the Burton Art Museum in Kingsley Road. Also visit the Exmoor National Park.

Bideford can be reached via the A39 and the A386, it is about 56 miles from Exeter, 59 miles from Plymouth and is a driving distance of 208 miles from London.

More Devon Places: Barnstaple - Brixham - Braunton - Ilfracombe