Cheltenham Map

Cheltenham map, showing the Gloucestershire town of Cheltenham.

Detailed Street Map of Cheltenham

Cheltenham Map: Detailed street map of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, zooms for Cheltenham town centre map, showing the Cheltenham Spa Railway Station, the Cotswold Nuffield Hospital, Montpelier Gardens, the Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Park, the UNiversity of Gloucestershire, the St Matthew's Church, and the St Phillip and St James Church.

Cheltenham is a large spa town located to the north-east of Gloucester in Gloucestershire, it has a population of around 110,000 and is most famous for its racecourse and National Hunt Festival which takes place in March every year. Lying on the tiny River Chelt, the town is situated on the edge of the Cotswolds in an area of beautiful countryside.

Also on this Cheltenham map, are Swindon, Prestbury, Charlton Kings, Leckhampton and Leckhampton Hill, also clearly shown is the Lilleybrook Golf Club, Charlton Park and Naughton Park.

Cheltenham Hotels: There are a good choice of hotels in Cheltenham and you can book from a selection of over 70 hotels and guest houses in Cheltenham by using the booking form on the right.

Among attractions you can visit in Cheltenham are the Holst Birthplace Museum in Clarence Road, the Pitville Pump Room in East Approach Drive, the Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum in Clarence Road, and the Belas Knap Long Barrow in nearby Sudeley.

Cheltenham can be accessed via the A40 and also from the M5 motorway, it is around 89 miles driving distance from London, 37 miles from Oxford, and just 6 miles from Gloucester.

More Cheltenham Information: Cheltenham Weather

Gloucestershire Info: MAP

Gloucestershire Places: Gloucester - Stroud - Tewkesbury