Gloucester Map and Guide

Gloucester map, showing the Gloucestershire city of Gloucester to the west of Cheltenham.

Detailed Street Map of Gloucester Gloucestershire

Gloucester Map: Interactive map of Gloucester, a city and county town of the county of Gloucestershire in south-western England.

This Gloucester map is interactive, which means you can pan around to view surrounding areas, or zoom in (or out) to get a closer view of a particular street or area, and plan a route for your visit to the city. By getting a Gloucester city centre map you can see Gloucester Cathedral, the University of Gloucester, the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, the National Waterways Museum, the Winfield Hospital, the Wootton Lawn Acute Hospital and the Gloucester Maternity Hospital.

Gloucester is a historic city with a population of around 123,000, it lies on the banks of the River Severn, close to the English border with Wales. Originally founded by the Romans as Glevum, in 48 AD, and received its first charter in 1155. Places of interest to visit in Gloucester include the cathedral which dates originally from the 7th century.

Also on this Gloucester map are the suburbs and areas of Longford, Innsworth, Churchdown, Longlevens, Barnwood, Hucclecote, Abbeymead, Matson, Abbeydale, Tuffley and Hempsted.

Gloucester is located south-west of Cheltenham and can be reached via the A40, the A38 and the M5 motorway, it is around 114 miles from London and 32 miles from Bristol.

More Gloucester Information: Gloucester Weather

Gloucestershire Info: MAP

Gloucester Places: - Stroud - Tewkesbury - Cheltenham