Hele Bay Map and Guide

Hele Bay map, interactive map of Hele Bay a small village located to the east of Ilfracombe, Devon.

Detailed Street Map of Hele Bay Devon

Hele Bay Map: Above you can view a useful map of Hele Bay a pretty little village and beach on the north coast of Devon, close to and east of the larger town of Ilfracombe. This is a detailed street map of Hele Bay village centre, showing most of the roads and streets of the village, you can use the zoom (+) feature to get an even closer view and see more street names, if you need to find a specific location in Hele Bay.

Hele Bay Devon: Hele village and Hele Bay are situated close to the town of Ilfracombe on the North Devon coast, Hele Bay is a pretty sheltered beach and bay, the beach is shingle and sand and there are plenty of intriguing rock pools to explore and enjoy.

Hele Bay Cottages: You will find holiday cottages in Hele Bay, in nearby Coombe Martin and also in Ilfracombe, should you wish to take a break in this attractive and peaceful place.

Hele Bay can be reached via the A399 between Ilfracombe and Combe Martin, it is a driving distance of 1 mile from Ilfracombe, 4 miles from Combe Martin, 7 miles from Woolacombe, 17 miles from Lynton, 70 miles from Exeter, and 211 miles from London.

Hele Bay Map Links: Barnstaple Map - Appledore Map - Bideford Map