Map and Guide to Combe Martin Devon

Combe Martin map, view this map of Combe Martin an attractive village near to Ilfracombe in Devon.

Detailed Street Map of Combe Martin Devon

Combe Martin Map: Above you can see an interactive map of Combe Martin, a pretty village which is close to Ilfracombe and Hele Bay on the north coast of Devon in south-western England, United Kingdom.

Use the zoom feature (+) to get a more detailed street map of Combe Martin village centre and find your required destination in Combe Martin.

Combe Martin Devon: A pretty village and seaside resort in the county of Devon, Combe Martin has a population of 2,650, it often claims to have the longest village street in England, nearby are the Hangman Cliffs, which at their highest have a cliff face of eight hundred feet (England's highest sea cliff).

Clearly shown on this map of Combe Martin is the North Devon coast, Hollands Park, Widdecombe Wood, Rectory Wood, Great Field Wood, Salt Wood, Easter Ground Wood and Hodges Wood, you can also see the A399 as it passes through the village centre.

Combe Martin Accommodation: You can book hotels and guest houses in Combe Martin using the search module on the right giving the cheapest hotel rates in Combe Martin, you can find self-catering accommodation in Combe Martin below.

Combe Martin can be reached via the A399 between Ilfracombe and South Molton, Combe Martin is a driving distance of about 4 miles from Hele Bay, 5 miles from Ilfracombe, 13 miles from Lynton, 65 miles from Exeter, and 207 miles from London.

Combe Martin Links: Ilfracombe Map - Brixham Map - Lynmouth Map - Parracombe Map