Lynmouth Map

Lynmouth map, view this handy map of Lynmouth a pretty coastal village in North Devon, England, UK.

Detailed Street Map of Lynmouth Devon England

Lynmouth Map: Above you can see an interactive map of Lynmouth, a lovely coastal village to the east of Ilfracombe in North Devon.

Use the zoom feature (+) to get an even more detailed street map of Lynmouth town centre and find your destination in Lynmouth.

Clearly shown on this map of Lynmouth are the nearby village of Lynton, Blacklands Wood, Watersmeet, and the Lyn and Exmoor Museum.

Lynmouth Devon: Situated at the meeting point (Watersmeet) of the rivers East Lyn and West Lyn, Lynmouth is a pretty village lying in a gorge some two hundred and ten metres below the neighbouring village of Lynton (the two being connected by the Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway).

The combined population of the two villages (Lynmouth and Lynton) is about 2,640. Lynmouth is one of North Devon's popular tourist destinations with a charming little harbour and a small sandy beach.

Lynmouth Accommodation: There are a choice of hotels and guest houses in and around Lynmouth (search above right), and also self-catering cottages and apartments (see below for cottages).

Lynmouth can be reached via the A39 and the B3234 it is a driving distance of 0.7 miles from Lynton, 8 miles from Woody Bay, 13 miles from Combe Martin, 18 miles from Ilfracombe, 21 miles from Mortehoe, 21 miles from Woolacombe, and 69 miles from Exeter, Exeter Airport is a drive of 62 miles (approx 1 hour 18 minutes).

Lynmouth Map Links: Mortehoe Map - Ilfracombe Map - Combe Martin Map