Mortehoe Map

Mortehoe map, view this interactive map of Mortehoe, a small village near Woolacombe, North Devon.

Detailed Street Map of Mortehoe Devon England

Mortehoe Map: Above you will find a handy map of Mortehoe a tiny village located close to Woolacombe on the north coast of Devon. Use the zoom feature (+) to get an even more detailed street map of Mortehoe village centre.

Mortehoe Devon: Formerly a favourite haunt of smugglers on the North Devon coast, the village of Mortehoe has a history stretching back to before the time of the Domesday Book, its St Mary's parish church originally dates from Norman times. The arrival of the railway brought tourism to the village, on which it is now much dependent. Mortehoe has a small beach which is popular with visitors.

Places to Visit: While in Mortehoe, be sure to visit the Mortehoe Heritage Centre, with a museum which displays interesting articles relating to the history of the area particularly in relation to shipwrecks and smuggling.

Mortehoe Camping: There are also camping facilities in Mortehoe at the North Morte Farm Caravan and Camping Park, located just five minutes walk from the village centre of Mortehoe.

Mortehoe can be reached via the Mortehoe Station Road (from the B3343) or The Esplanade from Woolacombe, Mortehoe is a driving distance of 1 miles from Woolacombe, 6 miles from Ilfracombe, 8 miles from Braunton, 15 miles from Barnstaple and 55 miles from Exeter.

Mortehoe Map Links: Mortehoe Weather - Ilfracombe Map - Bideford Map -Appledore Map

Devon Info: Devon Weather - Exmoor National Park