Penzance Map

Penzance map, view the Cornwall town of Penzance, located south-west of St Ives and north-west of Helston.

Detailed Road Map of Penzance Cornwall and Guide to the Town

Penzance Map: Interactive map of Penzance, showing the town located to the south-west of St Ives in the county of Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed road map of Penzance or Penzance town centre map, showing Penwith College, the West Cornwall Hospital Penzance, the Penlee House Gallery and Museum and Penzance Railway Station.

Also on this Penzance map are Madron, Heamoor, Tregavarah, Gulval, Long Rock, Chyandour, Newlyn, Green Rocks, Alverton, Buryas Bridge, Kerris, Paul, Tremethick Cross, and Castle Horneck.

A town with a population of around 20,000, Penzance (Penzans/Pensans) is situated on Mount's Bay and was settled as long ago as the Iron Age. Location of the chapel of St Anthony, built over 1,000 years ago, its name means "holy headland" in the Cornish language. Penzance was located at the terminus of the old Great Western Railway and developed as a Regency watering place and winter resort. It is a busy shopping centre, enjoying a pleasant climate.

These days Penzance is a popular holiday and tourist destination, there are a number of interesting places to visit including the Egyptian House (1830) on Chapel Street, with its ornate façade, the Trinity House National Lighthouse Centre and the sub-tropical Morrab Gardens.

Penzance is the location of the West Cornwall Hospital, situated in St Clare Street.

Penzance was the birthplace of Sir Humphrey Davy, the inventor of the miner's safety lamp.

To the north-east of the town is the Penzance Heliport, which can also be viewed on the map.

Penzance can be reached via the A30, it is about 29 miles from Truro and around 36 miles from St Austell, the driving distance from London to Penzance is 247 miles.

Penzance Links: Penzance Weather

Nearby Places: Mousehole - Newlyn - Truro - St Ives - Porthleven

Cornwall Info: Cornwall Map - Cornwall Weather