Teignmouth Map

Teignmouth map, view the Devon town of Teignmouth, situated to the to the south of Dawlish and Exeter.

Detailed Street Map of Teignmouth Devon & Guide to the Town

Teignmouth Map Devon: Interactive map of Teignmouth, displaying the town situated at the mouth of the River Teign, south of Dawlish in Devon in south-west England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Teignmouth or a Teignmouth town centre map, showing the Teignmouth Hospital, the Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum, and Teignmouth Railway Station.

Also on this Teignmouth map are Holcombe, Shaldon, Teignharvey and Bishopsteignton, also shown is the Teignmouth Golf Club.

With its long maritime history, Teignmouth was once a thriving fishing port, renowned for its catches of Newfoundland cod. Though still operating as a port Teignmouth is now better known as a summer holiday destination, with some decent beaches and a pier.

In Teignmouth visit the Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum (Heritage Centre), Teignmouth Beach, Shaldon Beach, Shaldon Wildlife Trust and Ness Cove.

Teignmouth lies north of Torquay and can be accessed via the A381, the B3192 and the B3199. Nearby places include Dawlish, Holcombe, Bishopsteignton and Dawlish Warren.

Teignmouth Information: Teignmouth Weather

Devon Info: MAP - WEATHER

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