Catterick Map

Catterick map, interactive map of Catterick, a village in North Yorkshire, England.

Detailed Street Map of Catterick North Yorkshire

Catterick Map: Above is a map of Catterick, a village located in the parish of Richmondshire in North Yorkshire. Use the zoom (+) feature to get an even more detailed street map of Catterick town centre and find your desired destination in Catterick.

Catterick North Yorkshire: A small settlement often known as Catterick Village (so as not to confuse it with Catterick Garrison which is nearby), Catterick has a population of 2,743 (census 2001) and is perhaps best known for its racecourse which is close by at Catterick Bridge. The village originates from a Roman fort called Cataractonium which was built to defend a crossing over the River Swale which passes close by.

Catterick can be reached via the A1 (A6136) which passes close to the village, it is a driving distance of 2 miles from Brompton-on-Swale, 5 miles from Richmond, 8 miles from Bedale, 56 miles from Leeds and 236 miles from London.

Catterick Map Links: North Yorks Moors Map - Skipton Map - Scarborough Map - Northallerton Map