Bedale Map and Guide

Bedale map, showing the North Yorkshire town of Bedale and nearby.

Detailed Street Map of Bedale North Yorkshire

Bedale Map: Here is a detailed street map of Bedale, a small North Yorkshire market town with an interesting Gothic church. Also on this Bedale map are Aiskew, Rand Grange, and the Bedale Golf Club.

Bedale: A small market town located in the county of North Yorkshire, Bedale has a population of around 4,500, and is in the Hambleton district of the county. Bedale has an interesting Gothic church, dedicated to St Gregory, which has a tower from which residents once defended the town against Scottish raiders.

Close by you can visit Snape Castle, former home of Henry VIII’s last wife Catherine Parr. The town itself has a small museum dedicated to local history, an underground ice-house, formerly used for storing food, and an 18th century apothecary. Situated roughly midway between the North Yorkshire Moors and the Yorkshire Dales, Bedale is a good base for touring both areas.

Bedale can be reached via the A684, it is close to the A1. The town is about 8.5 miles from Northallerton, 15 miles from Ripon, 37 miles from York, and 232 miles driving distance from London.

Bedale Map Links: Yorkshire Map - Catterick Racecourse Map - Thirsk Map

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