Aldborough Map and Guide

Interactive Aldborough map, showing the North Yorkshire village.

Detailed Street Map of Aldborough Yorkshire

Aldborough Map: Above you can view a detailed street map of Aldborough, a small village close to Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire.

Also on this Aldborough map are Boroughbridge, Langthorpe, and Milby, you can also see the River Ure, which runs close to the village.

A peaceful little village close to Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire, Aldborough was the former capital of the Brigantes tribe, and was later named Isurium Brigantum by the Romans, and was the location of villas belonging to the rulers of the city of York. Previously the site of an important river crossing, Aldborough lost much of its significance when the crossing was relocated at Boroughbridge. Today you can visit the 14th century church, and a small museum containing some interesting Roman exhibits.

Aldborough can be reached from the A1(M) and A168 using Marton Lane, it is half a mile from Boroughbridge, 13 miles from Ripon, 19 miles from York, and a driving distance of 214 miles from London.

Yorkshire Information: Yorkshire Map

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