Dawlish Map

Dawlish map, view the Devon town of Dawlish, located south of Exeter and north of Teignmouth.

Detailed Street Map of Dawlish Devon & Guide to the Town

Dawlish Map: Interactive Dawlish map, displaying the town situated south of Exeter in the county of Devon in south-west England.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Dawlish and a Dawlish town centre map, showing Dawlish Hospital in Barton Crescent, the Dawlish Museum also in Barton Crescent, Dawlish Railway Station, Dawlish Library and the Oakwood Court College in Oak Park Road.

Also on this Dawlish map are Dawlish Warren, Holcombe and Higher Dawlish Water, also shown is the Warren Golf Club to the north.

Now a well loved seaside resort, the town of Dawlish in Devon previously had a long tradition of fishing and salt making. The name appears to have been taken from a local stream called the Deawlisc ("Devil Water"). Salt making began during the Roman occupation of Britain and continued into the Saxon period.

When in Dawlish Devon visit the Dawlish Museum, the secluded Coryton Cove, Little Haldon Heaths, the Teignmouth Museum, Powderham Castle, and Hackney Marshes near to Newton Abbot.

Dawlish in Devon can be accessed via the A379, it is 15 miles from Exeter, 43 miles from Plymouth and a driving distance of 187 miles from London.

Dawlish Info: Dawlish Weather

Devon Info: MAP - WEATHER

Devon Attractions: Dartmoor National Park

More Devon Places: Teignmouth - Exmouth - Totnes - Seaton - Ottery St Mary - Paignton - Torquay - Brixham - Bideford - Honiton