Ilminster Map

Ilminster map, view the location of the Somerset town of Ilminster, located south-east of Taunton.

Detailed Street Map of Ilminster Somerset

Ilminster Map: Interactive map of Ilminster, displaying the town situated south-east of Taunton in the shire county of Somerset, England, United Kingdom.

Use controlas to see a detailed street map of Ilminster or get an Ilminster town centre map, where you can see the parish Church of St Mary.

Also on this Ilminster map are Hort Bridge, Winterhay, Whitelackington, Dillington, Kingstone, Dowlish Wake, Donyatt and Peasmarsh.

A small historic town in the county of Somerset, Ilminster was documented in Saxon times and was called Ileminstre (Old English for "church on river isle") in the Domesday Book. The Church of St Mary in Ilminster dates from the 15th century.

While in Ilminster Somerset visit Barrington Court (National Trust) in nearby Barrington, Crewkerne and District Museum, and the Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Chard.

For lots of events and activities in Ilminster visit the Ilminster Arts Centre, located in the Meeting House in East Street, Ilminster.

As can be seen from this Ilminster map, the town can be accessed from the A303, it is 12 miles from Taunton, 17 miles from Yeovil, 35 miles from Wells, and a driving distance of 142 miles from London.

Somerset Links: Somerset Map - Somerset Weather

More Somerset Places: Chard - Yeovil - Weston Super Mare - Sherborne - Glastonbury